Chinese| Spanish| Travel
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Weekly updates for Chinese learning and worldwide trip guide
Basic Chinese 5 : Demonstrative Pronoun & Adjective
We are learning the Demonstrative Pronoun & Adjective i…
Basic Chinese 4 : Family 家人
We are learning how to introduce your family in Chinese…
Basic Chinese 2 : Greeting 你好嗎?
Let’s learn how to greet, to make questions and negatio…
Basic Chinese 3 : Number and Time 數字與時間
Let’s learn how to say numbers and tell times & date in…
Basic Chinese 1 : Say hello 你好!
Let’s learn to say hello and introduce yourself in Mand…
Basic usage of the present tense in spanish subjunctive
The past tense of Spanish subjunctive is quite complica…
Basic Spanish 15 Habits ¿Qué haces los fines de semana?
You will learn how to express your habits and describe …
Basic Spanish 14 Weather ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
You will learn how to express the weather, date, season…
Basic Spanish 13 Possibility & Ability No sé.
You will learn how to express the possibility & ability…
Basic Spanish 12 Willingness No quiero ir a la playa.
You will learn how to express willingness and a list of…
Basic Spanish 11 ¿A qué hora te levantas? Your day
You will learn how to describe your day (Grammar: Refle…
Basic Spanish 10 ¿Dónde vives? Describing location and home
In this lesson you will learn how to describe the locat…
Basic Spanish 9 ¿Dónde está mi lápiz? Describing position
In this lesson you will learn how to describe the posit…