Basic Chinese 1 : Say hello 你好!
(Simplified Chinese)
Saying hello and Self-introduction
你好!Say hello
你好!nǐ hǎo (Hi)
您好!nín hǎo (Hello, formal)
早安!zǎo ān (Good morning!)
早上好!zǎo shang hǎo (Good morning!)
午安!wǔ ān (Good afternoon!)
下午好!xià wǔ hǎo (Good afternoon!)
晚安!wǎn ān (Good night!)
晚上好!wǎn shang hǎo (Good evening!)
- To be frank, Chinese speakers prefer nodding to saying hello.
- Although 你好 is the correct “hello” in Chinese, we prefer 哈啰 (pronounced like “ha lo”) in our daily lives which comes from English “hello.”
- When we are saying hello to a stranger, we may use 你好, but 您好 to in a formal occasion.
- When we just arrive at the office, we may say 早安.
- When we are going to bed, we may say 晚安.
- Although 午安 is “good afternoon” , we aren’t used to saying this in the afternoon.
- 早上好/下午好/晚上好 are preferred in a speech.
本课汉字 Hanzi
(wǒ) I
(nǐ) you
(nǐ) you (feminine)
(tā) he
(tā) she (feminine)
-plural suffix for personal pronouns
我们 we/ 你们 you /他们 they
(hǎo) good
(an) peaceful/ safe
(shì) to be
(xìng) family name
(míng) name
(jiào) call
Chiense Basic Knowledge
- Chinese is a language without so many“agreements” like English or Spanish.
- Grammatically, there is no gender, number, case and verbal conjunction.
- We don’t distinguish verb, noun or adjective for most of the words.
- The order and place is the key to understand and express in Chinese.
是 (to be)
我是 (I am)
你/妳是 (you are)
他/他是 (he/she is)
我们是 (we are)
你们是 (you are)
他们是 (they are)
你姓什么? (nǐ xìng shén me)
(What’s your family name?)
我姓李。(wǒ xìng lǐ)
(My family name is Li)
他姓王 (tā xìng wáng)
(His family name is Wang)
(Our family name is Zhang)
你叫什么 (名字)? (nǐ jiào shén me (míng zì))
(What’s your name)
我叫永昌。(wǒ jiào yǒng chāng)
(My name is Yongchang)
我叫李永昌。(wǒ jiào lǐ yǒng chāng)
(My name is Li Yongchang)
他叫马辰 (tā jiào mǎ chén)
(His name is Ma Chen)
他的名字是王凯 (tā de míng zì shì wáng kǎi)
(His name is Wang Kai)
Vocabulary: 什么 (shén me) what; 的(de) of; 名字 (míng zì) name